Saturday, December 7, 2013


Great Blue, watermedia, 21X14 inches (IM) 29X22 inches (FR
I love long legged wading birds. The stillness of this great blue heron is a nice contrast for the movement in the background. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Chill Wind

A Chill Wind that Blows No Good, Watermedia: Acrylic,  29X22 inches (FR)
Part of my wind series, the tree is from my grandmother's yard, but everything else is from my imagination.  As a little girl I loved the trees in Mamaw's yard because their twisted and knobby character was evidence of their history.  More than 100 years of life in a farmyard serving as everything from playhouse to butcher's hoist.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Louisiana Swampscape

Twilight, Acrylic on Composite Board, 30 X 24 Inches, 2010
This painting one of 4 paintings that marked the beginning of a change in my recent work. Twilight is an attempt to capture not only the physical imagery but the emotional myth of the Louisiana swampscape; the eternal battle between dark and light, myth and truth.