Monday, May 14, 2018

Sunflower Painting Retreat

Sunflower Painting Retreat with Donna F. McGee                                               July 13, 14, & 15, 2018

Linden Plantation, Glen Allan, MS

Look for more information about Donna's upcoming en plein air workshop at Linden Plantation!

Following in the tradition of Van Gogh, immerse yourself in the subject of sunflowers.  Sunflower Painting Retreat participants will paint en plein air (outdoors) in the mornings and directly from still life (indoors) in the afternoons.  Although photos may be used in some of the exercises, the focus is on painting from life, not from photographs.  Through both acrylic and oil demonstrations and exercises, Donna will share her approach to the tradition of en plein air. She’ll share her personal palette set-up, her unique color-mixing system, and her approach to composition for both landscape and still life. 

Topics include mixing nature’s colors, painting shapes and values, and understanding color temperature and value relationships.   Participants may work with either oil or acrylic.  Some painting experience is preferred.  For Donna’s materials’ lists, email her at  Be sure to include information about the medium you will be using.

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